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Writer's pictureLexie McCarty

Turning on Sprinkler System After Winter | Lawn Care Tips

Updated: Aug 29, 2022

It's hard to believe, but winter is finally over. This means that it's time to get your lawn ready for the hot summer months. One of the most important things you can do for your lawn is turning sprinklers back on after winter is over.

sprinkler system

Here are a few reasons why it's so important to do this:

1. Get Rid of Winter Debris in Your Yard

Leaves, sticks, and mulch

Turning on your sprinkler system after winter will help you eliminate any debris that may have built up in your yard over the winter. This includes things like leaves, twigs, and even small stones; these can gather and clutter up your yard during the fall and winter. Turning on your sprinkler system will help break up this debris and allow it to be washed away more easily.

2. Prevent Your Lawn from Drying Out

Brown patches in a field of grass

Turning sprinklers back on after winter will help keep your lawn well-hydrated and looking its best. Make sure that you do this as soon as possible if you live in an area that gets very hot and dry during the summer; you want your lawn to be well hydrated by the time the heat waves roll around.

3. Help Your Plants Grow

Water falling onto a plant

Turning your sprinklers back on after winter can also help your plants grow by keeping their roots moist. While you may expect to only be helping your grass, you may be surprised to find annuals popping up after they’ve been properly watered a few times, too.

4. Spot any Problems in Your Sprinkler System

Man fixing the pipes on a sprinkler system

It’s important to get sprinkler damage fixed before it can cause any damage to your lawn. Turning on your sprinkler system after winter will help you to catch any problems that may have arisen over the winter months. This includes things like leaks, broken pipes, and clogged sprinkler heads. By turning on your sprinkler system, you can catch problems and have them fixed before they cause serious damage to your lawn.


Turning on your sprinkler system after winter is one of the best things you can do for your lawn. By doing this, you can keep your lawn clean, hydrated, and lush for the summer months. Make sure to turn on your sprinkler system this spring to enjoy a beautiful lawn all summer long.

If you are looking for ways to personalize your own property to make it unique, browse our selection of products and services or contact us here today at Out of Eden Garden Center to see how we can help. For more tips and informational content, check out our other blogs!

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